Notepad more focused on developing than just scribble down notes.
These is not an exhaustive feature list, but gives you some idea of the features present in Programmer’s Notepad.
* Syntax Highlighting for lots of languages, configured with schemes
* Multi-language user interface
* Unlimited number of schemes supported, powerful syntax
highlighting supporting both user-defined and built-in schemes
* Text Clips provide smart templates for text insertion
* Code Folding/Outlining
* Docking windows for: File Browser, Open Files, Text Clips, Tool Output, Find in Files results
* Regular expression search and replace (full perl syntax)
* Excellent external tool support with user-configurable
output matching – click on errors and warnings to jump right to
the place in the file where they were generated
* Split Views
* Bookmarks (both numbered and plain)
* Export to HTML (using CSS) and RTF
* Code definition browsing and navigation (using Ctags)
* Non fixed-width font support
* Projects and Project Groups with multi-level folders and file system mirroring
* Scripting with Python
* Extensions support for developing add-ons with C++
* Support for UTF8, 16 and various file encodings
* Support for windows, unix and macintosh line endings
* Tabbed MDI interface, with multi-level split views
* Word-wrapping